Friday, March 16, 2012

It has been a big week for us!

We knew last week that we would be meeting with a therapist this Tuesday, March 13th, to take the next step to get to Snobbit.  I was super nervous, but Cami was much more calm.  We dropped Sally off with Robert and Hanna and headed to Gothenburg.  Our letter didn't really tell us where to go, so of course, we waited in the wrong place.   Luckily, the therapist found us and we got to our little room.  We had a translator, since I am still not 100% up to par with my Swedish. (I did, however, understand most of the Swedish!)  Both women were incredibly kind.  The session was very positive as we talked about how we met, how we live now and what plans we have for the future. We both spoke a lot about our families and the support we are so blessed to have. We talked about the importance of using a donor that will allow our children to learn a little about him and possibly contact him if they so wish, when the are 18.  We both agreed that is not a decision we make for our child and wanted to keep that option open for them.  That's good since Swedish law requires such.  

The whole thing was such a positive experience, I was almost sad when it was over.  The therapist said that we were more than qualified to be parents.  She also said she could tell that we had the strong foundation that a family needs and could see how strong our bond was.  She was all smiles and so very comforting.  She said she would be happily recommending us for the program when she attended her next weekly team meeting.  This thrilled us for a couple of reasons.  First, of course WE know that we'd make good parents, but it really felt great to hear it from a professional.  It also meant a lot to us that she could see how committed we are to one another.  We were also super excited that they have weekly team meetings.  It was possible that they only met monthly and we might have to wait as long as four additional weeks.  This meant we could be starting pretty soon!

Cut to today.  Miss Sally were out for a walk and decided to check the mail.  We had two letters.  The first was from the Red Cross, I assume asking for another donation, but I haven't bothered to read it yet.  The second had that telltale return envelope from our region, was addressed to both of us and used my first and middle name.  Well, Sally and I started running.  We ran all the way to the house and called for Cami to come and open it.  The letter officially welcomed us to the program and said we would be starting in about two weeks!  Needless to say, we are overjoyed.  If all goes according to plan, we will be inseminating in early April.  (The best kids in the world are conceived in April!  Just look at me!)  It seems like we have been waiting forever, but now it's happening so fast.  We are beyond blessed.  We have quite the roller coaster ahead of us.  I truly can't wait!

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