Sunday, February 26, 2012

My (Cami's) first post!

Hi there!

This is Snobbit's mamma typing. A sick, sniffly mamma, but still.
4 days ago, we met with the doctor who will help us get our little munchkin. We talked about our medical history, thoughts around the process, and got a lot of information. We also got to see a lot of folicals in both ovaries, which is really good! What will happen now, is that about a month from now we will go to see a counselor. After meeting with her, the board will meet to officially approve us and after that we are good to go! :) Hopefully that means that we will get at least one attempt before summer. We will have 6 attempts, and after 4 failed attempts we can choose IVF if we want for the last two. I'm hoping we won't have to make that decision, but get pregnant before that. We have an exciting 2012 ahead of us! :D 

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