Monday, April 9, 2012

And here we go...

I really wanted to make a post here yesterday, but my mind wouldn't really be still long enough to get it together.  Since my last post, we called the clinic and discovered that we almost couldn't try this month because they were pretty booked, but they decided to squeeze us in.  We waited for nature to take it's course, so Cami could start the necessary medications.  Well, nature's course decided to hold out for a few days longer than we anticipated.  Stress can do that to a gal, after all.  When the ball did get rolling, it put our needed appointment time right in the middle of Good Friday and Easter, when we assumed the clinic would be closed.  That was not the actual case.  We got an appointment on April 8th, Easter Sunday.   Cami took her meds for 5 days, Miss Sally got to spend the day with Tori and we headed to Gothenburg.  There were actually several couples there, though we were the first, since we like to be early.  ;)  Even though Cami felt as though she had enough follicles going on to birth the Duggar clan, there was one pretty, perfect, 19mm follicle on the left side. (That was the coolest Easter egg I have ever seen!) We thought this mean we would return home, Cami would pee on sticks and we would call when we got a certain result, so we could schedule insemination.  Well, since little follicle was so healthy and ready and the perfect size, that isn't necessary.  Last night at 11:30 PM, my little viking wife mixed up some powder and saline and injected it in her tummy and tomorrow at 11:30 AM we will be having our first IUI (intrauterine insemination).

Needless to say, we are super excited.  It's not the norm for an IUI to take on the first try, but there's just as good a chance for it to take on the first as on the fifth, so we are keeping very positive.  The deciding factor is that little follicle.  Was that Snobbit?  There's no way to know yet.  This just could be one of Snobbit's buddies and he needs a little more time in the cooker.  (Using the gender non-specific he, of course.)  I keep asking him and he has yet to answer me.  I suppose we'll know something in 2-3 weeks.  Cami has always said she thought Snobbit was on the left side, though.  I guess that has to mean something, right?

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