Well, cut to Thursday night. My mom emailed me a picture of my brother with the cutest little puppy we had ever seen sitting on his tummy. She was a tiny little black, tan and white Beagle. I called my mom to find out what happened and discovered that my dad had found her and her sister out behind his shop. A coworker took the other home, but this little girl stole my dad's heart. They were actively trying to find a home for her (that Daddy approved of and he was apparently VERY picky) since they have a Shih Tzu, a Siberian Husky and a satanic cat. (long story) Keeping her wasn't in the cards. My first question was if we could have her. That set the ball rolling. It feels like it was all meant to be. We found out what we needed to do and started making her plans. Maybe we're taking the Snobbit thing too far? lol My parents started calling her Lucy (because Charlie Brown's sister was Lucy and since Snoopy was a Beagle... See where I am making all these weird connections?!), but that doesn't work for us. You see, Snobbit has a new "cousin" named Lucy. She isn't biologically related to our future bean, but we are her aunties and we love her as much as anyone has ever loved a baby they have never gotten to hold. It would be confusing for our future brood to have a dog named Lucy. So, we decided on Sally.
Unless there is some huge unforeseen roadblock that pops up, Miss Sally will be boarding a plane with us in Nashville on January 14th to come to Sweden. She already has her passport and all of her necessary vet appointments are scheduled. There are a few things she will need before we even head to Tennessee, so we will be busy. People may think we have lost our minds, but we're incredibly excited. I love the idea of Snobbit having a dog to pal around with and grow up with. I also have a strong feeling that Esme is going to love and be totally annoyed by her little sister. As it should be.